The workshop will start on 17 September at 8:30am and will end on 19 September at 5pm. To encourage discussions and foster future collaborations, participants are expected to attend the whole workshop.
A short program can be found here.
The full booklet, with a list of participants and a book of abstract can be found here.
Talks can be downloaded here
Simulating Precipitation
E. Leblois : Space-time simulation of intermittent rainfall with prescribed advection field: adaptation of the turning band method
N. Akrour : Generation of Rainfall time series from micro to large scale
A. Baxevani : Spatio-temporal precipitation generator with a censored latent Gaussian field
Y. Sun : A Stochastic Space-time Model for Intermittent Precipitation Occurrences
J. Carreau : Assessing the impacts of the choice of spatial dependence structure for flood-risk rainfall
Simulating wind conditions
J. Bessac : Markov-Switching AutoRegressive models for Cartesian components of wind fields in the North-East Atlantic
I. Rychlik : Variability of wind speed encountered by a vessel
M. Oesting : Conditional Modeling of Extreme Wind Gusts by Bivariate Brown-Resnick Processes
WGs from a user prospective
S. Pincebourde : The role of microclimates in climate change responses: ecologists need climatic data with high resolution
S. Parey : A stochastic weather generator for temperature, examples of use and future developments
S. Sain : Impact of resolution in dynamic downscaling experiments
M. Vrac : Conditional Stochastic Weather Generators for precipitation downscaling
A. Bechler : Conditional Simulations of max-stable processes for the extreme downscaling
Special statistical topics
P. Thomson : Estimating the slope and standard error of a long-term linear trend fitted to adjusted annual temperatures
T. Carey-Smith : Stochastic rainfall seasonality: estimation and applications
W. Kleiber : High Resolution Nonstationary Weather Simulation
Simulating Sea States / Physical model
Y. Guanche : Climate-based multivariate simulation technique of sea states
K. Kpogo Nuwoklo: Assessment in the form of metocean events of the swell climate in West Africa
V. Resseguier : Reduced flow models from a stochastic Navier-Stokes representation
Analogues and resampling methods
F. Oriani : Daily rainfall simulation: reproducing high-order statistics with the Direct Sampling technique
P. Yiou : Weather and event generators based on analogues of atmospheric circulation
Multivariate and multisite Weather Generators
M. Genton : Cross-Covariance Functions for Multivariate Geostatistics
J. Chen : Stochastic generation of precipitation and temperature: from single-site to multi-site
M. Bourotte : A stochastic weather generator based on new spatio-temporal cross-covariance functions
R. Chandler : Rglimclim: a multivariate, multisite daily weather generator for climate change impact studies
Ensemble forecasts and diagnostic approaches
R. Schefzik : Physically coherent probabilistic weather forecasts via ensemble copula coupling (ECC)
R. Girard : Diagnostic approaches for scenarios of short-term wind power generation
Social events
Tuesday 16th, 7.30 pm : Welcome drink at "La Cave des Pas Sages", 41 rue des Teinturiers.
Wednesday 17th, 6.30pm: Wine tasting at "La maison Fogasse", 37-39 rue des Fourbisseurs 84000 Avignon.
Meeting point: 6.30pm, Place Pie, in front of "Les Halles"
Wednesday 17th, 9.15pm: "Les Luminescences" at the Palais des Papes
Meeting point 8.45 in from the Palais des Papes
Thursday 18th, 7.30: Gala Dinner at Restaurant le Bercail.
Meeting point at 7.00, Place de l'Horloge.
Among others, the following speakers will participate to the workshop:
Trevor Carey-Smith National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research (NZ)
Julie Carreau Hydrosciences Montpellier, IRD (FR)
Richard Chandler University College, London (GB)
Marc Genton King Abullah University (Saudi Arabia)
Will Kleiber University of Colorado (Co,USA)
Etienne Leblois Hydrologie, Hydrolique, Irstea (FR)
Sylvie Parey EDF
Sylvain Pincebourde Université de Tours (FR)
Steve Sain National Center for Atmospheric Research (Co, USA)
Roman Schefzik Heidelberg Universität (D)
Ying Sun Ohio State University (Oh,USA)
Mathieu Vrac LSCE, CNRS (France)
Pascal Yiou LSCE, CNRS (France)